
In which cases does the termination of the contract occur and what are the terms?

Termination at the request of the client
In the event of the sale of premises or a move, the client must immediately terminate his subscription contract by going to the counter of the RADEEMA sales office.
Documents required :
  • Termination request made in writing by the customer (or pre-printed completed)
  • Photocopy of the CIN
  • The original subscription contract
The consumptions recorded by the meter before the effective date of termination, are the responsibility of the customer.
Termination for default of payment
In the absence of payment of water or electricity consumption invoices, RADEEMA terminates the subscription contract after expiration of the notice period.
At the end of the contract period for provisional meter
In accordance with the terms of the contract, if you do not have a justified request for extension of your contract before the expiration of its period, the Régie will automatically terminate it.
In all cases, the extension takes place only with the agreement of the General Management.
Change of contractual person
Any change in the contractual person (new owner or resident) for a room that has already been supplied automatically generates the termination of the old subscription contract before the subscription of the new contract.

Is it possible to recover my security deposit?

Upon termination of your subscription contract, the amount of your security deposit (provision) is automatically deducted from the account termination invoice.
It is only reimbursed (in whole or in part) if the balance is in credit.
Otherwise (debit balance), the customer must pay the difference.

What documents are required for a new contract (re-subscription or change of the contractor) ?

Case of a natural person: (property or tenant)

  • Subscription request signed by the customer
  • Photocopy of the (CIN) or residence permit or passport (for foreigners)                                     
  • Ownership deed for owners or a copy of the lease agreement or                                          a legalized authorization from the owner in the event of rental
  • Commercial register for commercial premises
  • Latest consumption invoice for resubscription cases

In the case of a "Company" legal person, the following documents must also be provided :

  • Photocopy of the (CIN) or residence permit or passport (for foreigners) of the legal representative of the company (manager)
  • Documents justifying the powers conferred on the person (if the signature is different from the manager)
  • Company status

Case of a Public Administration, Local Authority and Public Establishment

  • Request by signed and sealed letter from the legal representative of the administration
What is the amount that is paid when you take out a subscription ?

The amount paid when subscribing corresponds to :

  • Security deposit
  • Installation and removal costs of the meter and installation verification
  • Contract fees

Stamp fees are paid to the state treasury in accordance with current legislation.

The security deposit deposited during the subscription request is too expensive !

The amounts claimed from customers comply with regulatory provisions (specifications). The amount of the security deposit (provision) varies according to the caliber of the meter and according to your type of use: Domestic, industrial, Preferential ...

Image Espace client Image Espace Grands Comptes Image Espace Fournisseurs Image Espace RH Image Espace Developpement Durable