
You can only establish your request for a subscription in electricity or water if the connections of your accommodation or your premises are already made including that of liquid sanitation and that your arrears (if any) relating to any other subscription are acquitted.

Water subscription/ Electricity BT

This request must be made at the agency of the headquarters of the R.A.D.E.E.MA (guéliz)

» Documents required.

  • Subscription request specifying the power to subscribe.
  • A photocopy of the manager's CIN.
  • Status or commercial register and delegation of signature for companies.                                         
Fees charged to the customer :
  • Surety fees (for natural persons).
  • Stamp fees.
Case of a natural person: (owner or tenant) :
  • Subscription request signed by the customer
  • Photocopy of the (CIN) or residence permit or passport (for foreigners)                                         
  • Property title for owners or a copy of the lease agreement or well one authorization legalized by the owner in case of rental
  • Residence permit or administrative authorization issued by the authorities competent or certificate of conformity for constructions intended for other use than housing in accordance with the regulations in force (Article 55 of the law 12/90 of town planning) for all new subscriptions
  • Commercial register for commercial premises
  • Latest consumption invoice for resubscription cases
Fees charged to the customer :
  • Meter installation and removal costs
  • Cost of Subscription Policy
  • Provision (advance on consumption) for individuals
  • Stamp fees
Case of an Administration, Local authority and Public establishment :
  • Request by letter signed and sealed by the legal representative of the administration
In the case of a "Company" legal person :
  • Photocopy of the (CIN) or residence permit or passport (for foreigners) of legal representative of the company (manager)
  • Documents justifying the powers conferred on the person (if the signatory is not him even the manager)
  • Company status

MT Electricity Subscription

MV Electricity Subscription This type of subscription can only be granted after completion of work to connect to the MV network, equipping the MV / LV substation and payment of all equipment and reception costs for the MV / LV substation work. This request must be made at the agency of the headquarters of the R.A.D.E.E.MA located avenue Mohamed VI.

» Documents required.

  • Subscription request specifying the power to subscribe
  • A photocopy of the manager's CIN
  • Status or commercial register and delegation of signature for companies
Fees charged to the customer :
  • Surety fees (for natural and legal persons)
  • Stamp fees

Special subscription (provisional)

These temporary subscriptions are granted on an exceptional basis (for example in the case of site work, filming of a film, festival or other authorized events.) It is a contract established between you "client" and RADEEMA for a maximum duration of a year. The renewal of these subscriptions is only granted for uncompleted sites and upon written request from the client for a maximum period of one year and after approval by General Management.
» Documents required.

  • Written request to be presented to General Management for approval
  • Photocopy of the (CIN) or any other identity document (permit, passport)
  • Authorization to build for the site
  • Contract between the company and the client
  • Mandate or proxy of the manager (s) to represent the company authorization to sign the subscription contract) for worksites managed by the company
  • Document justifying the powers conferred on the person (if the signatory is not the manager)
  • Company status
  • Signature of termination voucher by the client (termination which will take effect upon completion of the contractual term)
Fees charged to the customer :
  • Meter installation and removal costs
  • Cost of Subscription Policy
  • Provision (advance on consumption) for individuals


Drinking Water Provision

In application of the provisions of article 8 of the general conditions of the water subscription, you are liable for a security deposit: provision proportional to the caliber of your meter detailed as follows :

Counter caliber Provision amount
15 mm 734,00
20 mm 1467,00
30 mm 4401,00
40 mm 14670,00
50 mm 44010,00
60 mm 44010,00
80 mm 73350,00
100 mm 146700,00
150 mm 293400,00

Provision électricité Moyenne Tension

In application of the service note n ° 74/2006 of March 20, 2006, you are liable for a provision (advance on consumption) when subscribing to your subscription contract.
This provision is equal: 0.25 x Cg x PS x T.HP

  • Cg = annual consumption guaranteed per KVA of subscribed power, ie: 600 KWh per KVA subscribed
  • PS = power subscribed by the customer
  • T.HP = full hour rate

Low Voltage electricity supply

Pursuant to the provisions of article 11 of the general conditions of electricity subscription, it is stipulated that "... New subscribers will be required to pay the authority a deposit when signing the subscription policy". The amount of the provision is detailed in the table below :
N.B. : The amount of the provision P for the provisional counter is calculated as follows :
P Provisional = P definitive x 2
Currently the amounts of the Provisions in force according to usage are as follows :

B1 (127-220) B2 (220-380)
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95
E or UD 10 2 119,39 10 2 196,95

Image Espace client Image Espace Grands Comptes Image Espace Fournisseurs Image Espace RH Image Espace Developpement Durable